Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Founded in 1988, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, is one of the leading scientific units in Poland. Its exceptionality across Europe is proven by multi-faceted activities at the interface of three sciences: chemistry, biology, and informatics. It is a place where interdisciplinary studies encompassing such fields as bioorganic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, systems biology, synthetic biology, and bioinformatics are conducted; and in particular – research on the synthesis, structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins along with their components.
IBCH PAS comprises 32 research departments, supported by 12 specialized laboratories offering high-class infrastructure. The Institute currently hires over 700 employees. Scientific studies in the biological and chemical labs are carried out by about 120 scientists, among them 22 full professors and 32 associated professors, supported by about 90 engineering and technical employees. The Institute's PhD Program and the Poznan Doctoral School of the Institutes of PAS educate ca. 80 PhD students preparing their theses in the Institute.
Role within Yscript
In Yscript, IBCH PAS is involved in Work Package 1 - Generation of yeast cell factories for efficient mRNA bioproduction, and Work Package WP4 - Quality control and biological validation of bioproduced mRNA. In collaboration with CNRS, IBCH PAS will design, based on in vitro and in vivo assays, the best addressing sequence for mRNA of interest trans-targeting to specific cytoplasmic localization (WP1). IBCH will also perform comparative analyses of the secondary structure of bioproduced mRNAs and corresponding in vitro transcripts.
Our vision for Yscript
For IBCH PAS, Yscript is an excellent opportunity to use our knowledge of retrotransposon proteins and RNA to develop new, breakthrough technology.
- from Kasia Pachulska-Wieczorek