Getting Ready for 2023: Yscript Consortium Meets Online
On November 18th, the first virtual Yscript Consortium Meeting took place. Invited by the coordinator, Chantal Pichon, all partners joined in for a one-day meeting to discuss the activities carried out in the past half year and set the priorities for the upcoming months.
After short presentations by the work package leaders, there was enough time to discuss possible bottlenecks and define new strategies in each work package. The partners agreed on bilateral visits to facilitate the collaboration between the institutions in the yeast cell factory generation, extraction and purification processes.
After the scientific progress and challenges were discussed, it was time to shortly talk about communication and dissemination activities as well as to exchange first thoughts on exploitation strategy development. The meeting ended with a clear summary of the priorities in each work package, which will define the work of the consortium in the upcoming months.
The next face-to-face consortium meeting will take place in Portugal in March 2023 at the invitation of Yscript partners University of Aveiro and University of Beira Interior.